Sunday, September 28, 2008

I just heard that my old schools football team just one their homecoming game. THATS AMAZING! We havent one a homecoming game since about 2003. The football team is usually awful, there were years when we were 0-10. In fact i even heard that the team is doing good this year and have lost 2 of their games. Last year we got lucky and actually won one. It was a good feeling because we were tired of getting blown out by every team we played, but the team we played wasnt that good. I never did understand why we lost till after the season was over. I truly believe that it was because of the mentality that we had. Everyone of the team thought that they were superstars. We had it all, those who tried to catch every ball with one hand, to those who thought they were so "perfect" and blamed everyone for their screw ups.

It wasnt all bad. I think the best game we had to have played was homecoming last year. We played Rappahanock, which is a school about 15 minutes from ours. Practice that week went like it usually did, the usual laughs, screw ups, big plays, and coaches scrimmiming us, thinking that they can beat us. When it was game time, the atmosphere changed completly. For some reason we where hyped up more than usual. it was kick off and Rappahanock scored on their opening drive. We were like ok, that's nothing, we got something for you guys. The next time that Rappahanock had the ball, my boy Carolmaine intercepted a pass and ran it back for a touchdown. We were tied up for about 3 quarters, which was a first because we were either behind the whole game or came back.

The whole night was brutal. Pads were clashing everywhere, people were getting rocked left and right, and most of this happened in the first half. We went in the locker room at halftime and it was different. The coaches didnt say anything, it wasnt nothing they could say cuz we didnt even give them a chance to say anything.

Second half was different. Maybe it was because of the locker room hype up at halftime, but i felt that we were hitting harder. They scored one more time and got a two-point conversation to make up for the missed field goal earlier. We responded by running a punt return all the way back. In the end we lost by one point which was hard. Suprisingly the coaches were proud of us, and didnt make practice that next mon. manditory like they did when we usually had a day of from school. Also talking with spectators in the stands, they said that we played the best that we had in a long time. I had one woman tell me at work that she was proud to see that we were determined to win, even though we didnt.

Maybe its because they took on that persona that we had during that game, but they are doing well this year, and I hope that they continue to.

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