Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Best Friends

Im kinda missing home, maybe its because almost everyone I know went home this weekend. Mainly i miss my brother and sister, cuz they are my life, and everything Im doing now I do for them. My lil brother is the spittin image of me. The only thing different about us is our attitudes and how we act. He's more the quiet type, while im quiet, but not super quiet like him. I jus miss talking with him in person cuz talkin on the phone isnt the same. Even though we had our differences and we often fought like we were tryin to kill each other after the fact we got even closer. It sucks because we just got super close this year and I jus left him around the time that he needs me the most cuz he's jus becoming a teenager.

My sis on the other hand is completly opposite from him. She's totally loud and we argue every chance we get, even now. Its never actually serious, often its hilarious. It hurt me to my heart when she cried when they dropped me off. She comes to me for anything; boy trouble, homework, anything. We have been close since we were younger, cuz i feel like i owe her for almost droppin her when she wuz 2 days old (not really but i tell her that all the time).

I really cant wait till i get back home so i can see them both.

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