Sunday, October 5, 2008

All I Have in this World pt 1. (Made-Up, I would never do this)

People say that money is the root of all evil. I tend to disagree. Money in fact, makes the world go round and keeps people happy. That's where the premise for my brilliant scheme came from. Read along very closely because Im only repeating this once, and if you miss something, well that's too damn bad.

It started when my brother needed surgery on his heart. He had a murmer the size of a heart and the doctor's said that if they didnt operate soon that he would die. My parents were told of how much the expenses were before hand, but still came up 10,000 short. They were told that they had to pay upfront, and if they didnt that they would release my brother and hope that a miracle happens. The doctor was nice though and said that they would keep my brother stabilzed for two weeks until they dug up the money.

They didnt tell me what happened but I knew something was wrong. Finally I overheard them talking about the whole situation. Immediatly I knew that I had to do something, so I called up my boy White Boy and Vato (his real name because his daddy was a true gangbanger), Fizz and Drew. White Boy came up with the brilliant idea of hittin a couple of licks (robberies for everyone who isnt fluent in street talk). At first I was hesitatant, but then found myself unintentionally planning it out. I came up with a fool proof plan. We were gonna hit up a drug store, a couple of houses, an maybe a bank. Fizz was all down for it, he said people say he's tha boy thats tote toys way before christmas. We were also gonna get a couple of the gangbangers in the hood to cause a riot, not where people get hurt but just alot of property damage. That was so that the police would be distracted and hopefully wont pay attention. Vato said that he would get a couple of his vato's to help out and since everyone loved my brother, they wouldnt take a part of the cut that I offered them. The plan was fool proof. Nothin could go wrong. Nothing did go wrong. It all worked according to plan. That night I went to see my brother in the hospital and talked to him. I told him not to worry because its my turn to take care of him. I told him that I love him and that no matter what he hears, to know that I did it so that he could live cause if I lost him, I would probably kill myself. He told me that he's gonna be okay and not to do anything crazy. I lied to him and said I wont. As soon as I left, Fizz picked me up and took me to his place to look at the artillary.

To Be Continued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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