Saturday, September 27, 2008


Im super confused. Before I came up here I was really diggin on this girl. I could see myself being with her for a long. Im not talking marriage, but a true relationship, not just phyiscal attraction. Me and her got along so good. Her personality was perfect in my opinion and she wasnt conceited. Everytime I talk about someone saying she was pretty, she would be like she isnt. We were super close in high school, and we still remained close after we gradutated.

The problem is that its a girl up here that's just like her. She has the same type of personality like her and is just as pretty. She's more outgoing than the chick back home and is alot friendlier to people she doesnt kno. And the best part is that she holds the same beliefs as me.

Its strange because I've only known this chick for about a month, and we didnt start holding conversations tell bout 2 weeks ago. Ive known the chick back home for about 3 years. Im just gonna have to play the whole situtation by ear, and play the waiting game.

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