Sunday, November 16, 2008

Comedy Shows Have Real Meaning???

Have you ever watched a comedy show and realized that all jokes aside what the comedian says really makes sense. Its kind of strange because as your watching the show, something clicks you say to yourself, thats really true. Im talking especially about Katt Williams. You may know Katt Williams from Wild N' Out, First Sunday, Friday After Next, Pimp Chronicles 1, American Hustle, Its Pimpin Pimpin and a whole rack of other apperances. When I first watched his comedy specials, Pimp Chronicles 1, American Hustles, and Its Pimpin Pimpin, I died with laughter. I thought that he was just acting ignorant. It wasnt until my dad told me that what Williams was talking about had a lot of truth to it (My dad loves watching him, the only thing he hates is the language and Williams uses a lot of it).

After my dad said this I went back and watched each one and found out that what Williams says does make a lot of sense. I cant put down everything because for one its racist, not just to white or black people, but to everyone from Latinos to the Chinese. Anyway, I found one thing that I can share without having to worry about if Im going to make it back to my room safely. The thing that I got out of Pimp Chronicles was that people are going to hate on you, but its okay because you need them to be stronger. He says to let them do their job and hate, while you run your business. In fact he goes as far to say, that if a woman has 16 haters that they are slippin because they need atleast 20 to show how fly they are. Out of American Hustle, he kept on saying that life is to short to be worrying about small things. Again he brings up people hating on a person and says "that they dont hate you, they hate good stuff, they used to want good stuff, and couldn't get it". Finally in Pimpin he talks about " being in tune with your star player". At first when he said that, I was like huh, but he explained that the star player is yourself. He says that its cool to look out for other people, but dont put yourself on the backburner. He has a couple of stories to go along with that theme, but if i dig into it and clean it up, it doesnt have the same substance. He also says that even though, your the star player, you have to assemble the right team to keep the bull from hitting you. That basically means have some friends that will stick with you when it gets hard and wont ass fuel to the flames.

I wouldnt base my life on these things, but I thought it was interseting that comedy show have actual morals. If you know of anymore, let me know

1 comment:

Lady Di said...

I so agree with those associations in life and almost everything else he's said on stage. There's many more associations there, no matter your race, color nor religious preference. Mr. Williams brand of humor is taken straight from life experiences that all of can relate to. Some maybe not but still doesn't make the message any less effective... once you get past the words that hurt your ears.

If you've read the news on him in the last few day, you'll know art also imitates (or needs to) life. So keep him in your prayers as I'm trying to gather supporters for the Support Katt Williams Campaign so we can show him he he affects us.