Friday, November 7, 2008

Yes, There is HOPE for African Americans

I know its late, but its been almost a week since Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. I figured that I'd delay talking about it since the day after everyone was gonna have something to say. Words can't describe how I feel at this point and time. I know that everyone says that its not about race, and I agree. In fact when I voted, I put my race on the back burner and looked at both of the candidates solutions to the issues and decided that Obama had the best plan for higher education. Im out of state so anything that will help ease the pain of paying for tuition is great. After he won, I still had his viewpoints at mind, but something else took over. WE AS AFRICAN AMERICANS HAVE ACHEIVED A MILESTONE. . . . .ONE THAT WE WERE TOLD THAT WE WOULD NEVER HAVE. His winning the election gave me hope, that for one racism didnt have as strong a hold on the country like it used to. Dont get me wrong racism is still around, but to see an African American in the White House is a sign that times are changing. The other thing that came to mind was that nothing seems out of reach now. It shows me that a little boy who has a dream can make it come true with a lot of hard work. I really didnt get to celebrate like everyone else (running along McKeldin Mall and to Route 1) cause some of my friends were mad, saying that America is gonna become socialist and that Obama's going to mess up this country beyond repair. Whatever, I still have a reason to be happy because all the blood, sweat, and tears, all the deaths and unneccesary beatings, all the threats and arrests, all the pain of the ones who came before me and my family, has all paid off. Ima finish up with a something that I seen that makes a lot of sense to me.

Rosa sat so Martin could walk. Martin walked so Barack could run. Barack ran so WE COULD FLY. LETS FLY TIL OUR WINGS FALL OFF

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