Sunday, November 2, 2008

This Weekend

This past weekend was great. At first it sucked really bad because Halloween was cold as crap, but got better on Sat. I went to spend the rest of the weekend with my aunt and my cousin. I havent seen my cousin for about 7 years so I figured that it was time to chill with him. At first I was kind of nervous because I didnt know how he was. Most of my cousins from the city are stuck up and after about 5 min of being around them, I'm ready to leave. He was different though; in fact, we were basically just a like. The train ride consisted of us catching up with each other. After that we went to his brother's house so my aunt could see me and so I could meet his brother. We ended up chilling there for about 2 hours playing video games with his nephew and brother. After that we went to Chinatown to catch a movie. I have never been to Chinatown before so it was a new experience to me. After we left, we went back home and ended up watching Superbad until I passed out.

This morning we went to church. This church was also a new experience because it was atleast three times bigger than mine. It had to had been over 300 people in there. After church we picked up another cousin of mine and went to Pentagon Square. Over all this weekend end was better than any weekend I have been here. Most people would think that I would be boring because i didnt go out to party, but I was with family and to me that is better than partying any day.

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