Sunday, November 30, 2008

Journay Home

Last Tues. was my last day of class before break, so I decided to leave that day. The whole trip was complicated from jump street and I guess I shoulda planned it a lot better than I did, but I made it safe and sound. I guess you could say that its not really an adventure because Ive heard and experienced some unique stories.

It started earlier that day. I had taken my exam for Math 003 and was wrapping up the class. I get back to my room and start packing for everything and wait for my next class. Turns out its canceled, just as my and this guy from my floor start to walk there. I still have to wait until later that night because my big cuzo had to leave class and pick me up. It was confusing because he got out at 9 and said that it took 15 min for him to get from school to the metro. I didnt want him to wait and I sure as heck didnt want to wait in an area that I didnt know. Anyway I hop on the metro at 8:30 thinking that we would have got there at the same time, but we didnt. His teacher kept him past 9, so he didnt end up getting there until almost 9, leaving me there for an half an hour. Even then I didnt couldnt get back to VA until the next day, so I ended up crashing there. We had to get up at 6 the next morning, so I could meet the lady I was riding with at St. Charles Mall at 7. We overslept and I ended up not even taking a shower that morning, since I was headed home anyway. To wrap things up, I made it home safe and sound and in one piece.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 20

Last Thurday, I celebrated my 19th birthday. I finally made it through another year safe and sound. That whole day I just praised God for adding on another year to my life. I started off by listening to Marvin Sapp to get my day started, which got my attitude very upbeat. It alos helped that I got a 91 on one of my exams. The rest of the day I didnt do anything. I was determined at the beginning of the week that Thurs. was my official day off, so I did all my work earlier. Somepeople wouldnt call what I did celebrating because I didnt go out and party. I played a little Halo, and watched t.v. Later that night some guys from my floor took me too Chipotle, and after that I went to Cru to "officially" thank God for letting me see another year.

It was strange because this was the first birthday that I was away from home and away from my brother and sister. I figured that this was going to be a quiet birthday since I was away from family, but I was wrong, people were couting down to the exact min. At 12:01 I had about 10 people try to rush into my room until I got the door closed to avoid my birthday cracks. Then the messed up thing is that the got the girls RA to go along with it and she made me open the door. I had so many people blow my phone up the whole entire day. Finally I actually got gifts. Back home if they werent your family, people would be like "oh, its your birthday, well happy birthday" and thats it. I wasnt expecting anything until I got home and ate my grandmas cooking, but some of my boys brought me a Maryland jacket. One brought me a shot glass, and the triplets from my building got me a cake that I shared with the other guy on my floor that shared the same b-day.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why Weezy Why

I was just chilling in my room today, doing work when I decide to listen to music to help me concentrate better. I go on the website that I usually go to, so I can listen to mixtapes and I see the new Lil Wayne, The Dedication 3. I own the first two Dedication mixtapes so I figured that this one was going to be just as hot. Those were the only series of mixtapes that didnt have songs that I had heard ten times before. So Im thinking to myself "yea, finally some new weezy that I havent heard ten mixtapes ago" and I got all excited to be let down. It wasnt what I expected. The other Dedications just featured him and some of his rhymes actually made sense. This one, he wasnt even on some of the tracks and it was that "new" Wayne I had been seeing lately. The one were what he says doesnt have any substance and he was using the autotuner for pretty much the whole mixtape. WHAT HAPPENED. I was excited, cuz I was thinking he was gonna go back to his old style and swag, but then he goes in the complete opposite direction. Honestly, Im starting to lose my fanhood to Lil Wayne. If he doesnt, how can I put this in a nice way, get better, Tha Carter IV wont sell that good because alot of people are feeling like I am.

Creative Writing

This is something I thought I would try, all the words in bold are titles of songs that you may or may not have heard of. The ones in italics and bold are actual albums.

Can I please take Just A Moment to Breathe and recollect my thoughts. I Cant Believe It, I just heard someone sing a Ghetto Gospel, on The Corner. It gave me the Inspiration to want to freestyle and helped me realize that my pen was Crying Out For Me to grab her and start writing. At first my motivation was to Put On, so my city could be finally noticed, but the tempation of having Stacks On Deck and being called a Boss changed my perspective. Being Born N Raised in a small county, Money is A Major Issue. I Grew Up A Screw Up because I was exposed to people who called themselves Bonafide Hustlers and were always waiting for that Reppin Time, which often times can be Dangerous. Because of that, you Cant Tell Me Nothin, and I always would wonder Whos Hotter Than Me and I would always Go Hard in everything I did. I thought I was one of the Best Rappers Alive, until my friend Chopped N Skrewed me. He told me "Live Your Life and dont worry because one day, you'll get that Milli." Soon after that I took a Step Back, Made up My Mind and was determined that I would Spit My Game, and rep The Anthem for my city.

Comedy Shows Have Real Meaning???

Have you ever watched a comedy show and realized that all jokes aside what the comedian says really makes sense. Its kind of strange because as your watching the show, something clicks you say to yourself, thats really true. Im talking especially about Katt Williams. You may know Katt Williams from Wild N' Out, First Sunday, Friday After Next, Pimp Chronicles 1, American Hustle, Its Pimpin Pimpin and a whole rack of other apperances. When I first watched his comedy specials, Pimp Chronicles 1, American Hustles, and Its Pimpin Pimpin, I died with laughter. I thought that he was just acting ignorant. It wasnt until my dad told me that what Williams was talking about had a lot of truth to it (My dad loves watching him, the only thing he hates is the language and Williams uses a lot of it).

After my dad said this I went back and watched each one and found out that what Williams says does make a lot of sense. I cant put down everything because for one its racist, not just to white or black people, but to everyone from Latinos to the Chinese. Anyway, I found one thing that I can share without having to worry about if Im going to make it back to my room safely. The thing that I got out of Pimp Chronicles was that people are going to hate on you, but its okay because you need them to be stronger. He says to let them do their job and hate, while you run your business. In fact he goes as far to say, that if a woman has 16 haters that they are slippin because they need atleast 20 to show how fly they are. Out of American Hustle, he kept on saying that life is to short to be worrying about small things. Again he brings up people hating on a person and says "that they dont hate you, they hate good stuff, they used to want good stuff, and couldn't get it". Finally in Pimpin he talks about " being in tune with your star player". At first when he said that, I was like huh, but he explained that the star player is yourself. He says that its cool to look out for other people, but dont put yourself on the backburner. He has a couple of stories to go along with that theme, but if i dig into it and clean it up, it doesnt have the same substance. He also says that even though, your the star player, you have to assemble the right team to keep the bull from hitting you. That basically means have some friends that will stick with you when it gets hard and wont ass fuel to the flames.

I wouldnt base my life on these things, but I thought it was interseting that comedy show have actual morals. If you know of anymore, let me know

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thr33 Ringz

The other day I picked up a cd that in my opinion is fire. Im not talking about the new Weezy or DJ Khalad, Im talking about T-Pain's Thr33 Ringz. The cd is better than I expected, I always knew that T-Pain was creative and one of the best artist. He is everywhere from remixes to singing the hook in songs. The hardest verse that I heard of his was the one in Im So Hood. Anyway thats straying from the point im trying to make. T-Pain's Thr33 Ringz was more than likely to blow up and I can see why. This cd really shows his creative side with the beats and his songs. The title is even creative. It comes from him almost running the hip-hop/rap/r&b game that its almost like he's running a circus. Thats why if you've seen him lately he's always wearing a top hat because he's just like a ringleader.

That brings me to the first real track on the cd. In Ringleader Man, Pain takes on the persona of a ringleader. The beat is sounds like a classic circus theme. In the hook he even says "this is my circus, im working, i can flip this whole thing with one hand", showing that he's the leading man. In the second verse he says that the industry is his circus. In the song Karaoke, he talks about all the artist who are jacking his swagger. In music today everyone is trying to be like him by using the autotuner that gives his voice its uniqueness. Everybody is using it from 50 cent, Snoop Dogg, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Birdman, and others, but Pain says that the only ones that he apreciates using it are Kanye and Lil Wayne. He continues to show his love of stripers on the track Can't Believe It. On this track he talks about how he could provide a better life for her because her profession is just going to get her hurt. Finally on the track Chopped N Skrewed, he shows his creative side. He takes a regular chopped and screwed song, which is a slowed down version of a song, with the lyrics chopped up in certain spots and sometimes repeats. (Its not as bad as it sound). T-Pain's song is called that because he's talking about girls who lead guys on, only to just diss them at the end of the night. He keeps the elements of a chopped and screwed song only it is played at a regular place, so dont worry its not slow.

Overall T-Pain's new album, Thr33 Ringz is a great buy for anyone who loves music.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Trip Home

I finally went home for the first time this weekend. It was my grandmother's birthday so I decided that I would go and suprise her. I had planned this out for weeks and had almost everyone involved except for my parents and my granny. The original plan was to tell them that I had went to Jersey with some of my friends for the whole weekend. Instead of actually going I was gonna get my youth leader from my church to meet my aunt halfway so he could bring me home. Things didnt work out as planned as he had problems with his business on Friday. So we had to rethink things and I ended up coming back with a girl from my neighborhood. Long story short my family was really suprised. My mom jumped up and hugged me and my little brothr fell out of a chair. My dad even woke up, and he's hard to wake up. The biggest reaction that I got was from my grandmother though. She was at a friends house, so I bust in and start singing happy birthday and I thought she was gonna choke me to death. That night we sat up talking the entire night about the past couple of months.

The next day I went and chilled with my little big cousin. I say little big because she's smaller than me, but older. We went to see some friends that i used to work with, and we went to Newport News to take her husbands neice. We talked the whole way there, from girls (guys for her, which was like getting kicked in the head) to politics. On Sunday, I went to church so I could meet up with the lady I was coming back with. I really enjoyed church and went home to chill with my brother and sister for a bit. Overall Im glad that I went home to chill with my family because it made me realize how much I have taken them for granted

Friday, November 7, 2008

Yes, There is HOPE for African Americans

I know its late, but its been almost a week since Barack Obama was elected president of the United States. I figured that I'd delay talking about it since the day after everyone was gonna have something to say. Words can't describe how I feel at this point and time. I know that everyone says that its not about race, and I agree. In fact when I voted, I put my race on the back burner and looked at both of the candidates solutions to the issues and decided that Obama had the best plan for higher education. Im out of state so anything that will help ease the pain of paying for tuition is great. After he won, I still had his viewpoints at mind, but something else took over. WE AS AFRICAN AMERICANS HAVE ACHEIVED A MILESTONE. . . . .ONE THAT WE WERE TOLD THAT WE WOULD NEVER HAVE. His winning the election gave me hope, that for one racism didnt have as strong a hold on the country like it used to. Dont get me wrong racism is still around, but to see an African American in the White House is a sign that times are changing. The other thing that came to mind was that nothing seems out of reach now. It shows me that a little boy who has a dream can make it come true with a lot of hard work. I really didnt get to celebrate like everyone else (running along McKeldin Mall and to Route 1) cause some of my friends were mad, saying that America is gonna become socialist and that Obama's going to mess up this country beyond repair. Whatever, I still have a reason to be happy because all the blood, sweat, and tears, all the deaths and unneccesary beatings, all the threats and arrests, all the pain of the ones who came before me and my family, has all paid off. Ima finish up with a something that I seen that makes a lot of sense to me.

Rosa sat so Martin could walk. Martin walked so Barack could run. Barack ran so WE COULD FLY. LETS FLY TIL OUR WINGS FALL OFF

Sunday, November 2, 2008

This Weekend

This past weekend was great. At first it sucked really bad because Halloween was cold as crap, but got better on Sat. I went to spend the rest of the weekend with my aunt and my cousin. I havent seen my cousin for about 7 years so I figured that it was time to chill with him. At first I was kind of nervous because I didnt know how he was. Most of my cousins from the city are stuck up and after about 5 min of being around them, I'm ready to leave. He was different though; in fact, we were basically just a like. The train ride consisted of us catching up with each other. After that we went to his brother's house so my aunt could see me and so I could meet his brother. We ended up chilling there for about 2 hours playing video games with his nephew and brother. After that we went to Chinatown to catch a movie. I have never been to Chinatown before so it was a new experience to me. After we left, we went back home and ended up watching Superbad until I passed out.

This morning we went to church. This church was also a new experience because it was atleast three times bigger than mine. It had to had been over 300 people in there. After church we picked up another cousin of mine and went to Pentagon Square. Over all this weekend end was better than any weekend I have been here. Most people would think that I would be boring because i didnt go out to party, but I was with family and to me that is better than partying any day.