Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis Assignment

The clip from Remember the Titans had a real strong sense of Pathos to it. If anyone has seen the movie, they know that the team, even though they played together, were still segregated. During this clip, the coach takes the team on a little trip through the woods. When you first watch it the audience would think that he was either punishing them or whipping them into shape. Its not until he gives his speech that the Pathos really hits the audience member. He really takes them to the field that the battle of Gettysburg was fought. He explains to them why he brought them there, and tells them that the battle that was fought there long ago is still going on. The coach ends it by telling them that they don't have to like each other, but they will respet each other. This clip is really the turning point of the movie because at that point the team really starts playing as a team and their bonds get stronger.
The Pathos is a feeling of pride and brotherhood. The team now realizes that to win that they not only have to respect each other, but become like one big family. It also has a strong emotional pull to it because its saying that racism still around; which was a touchy subject because the team wasnt predominatly white or black. It could have Ethos because the coach is using his character to basically say that its up the current generation to stand up and change racism. The only bit of Logos that actually shows up is the fact that movie was based on actual events.
This was a great clip both for motivation and to bring people together, but its a bit unrealistic. No team or group is going to becaome close like that after one visit to a Civil War graveyard. Also he is implying that they could change racism, which is great to believe, but is harder to do than just respecting someone.


Brock1225 said...

Pathos is definitely the main appeal in this film. This part of the movie is deep trying to get to the basis of the entire movie that racism is still alive. Maybe there could be more use of ethos because the head coach is Denzel Washington. In this movie he is wise about his situation as a black head coach.

ae42 said...

I agree with the line of thought that pathos is the main appeal used in the clip. The deepest emotional ties to the players and to the coach begin with this scene. I would say that the Logos used in the scene was when Denzel Washington started talking about the Battle of Gettysburg, which combined with the effect of the tombstones.