Sunday, October 12, 2008


Its been almost two month's since I've been home or seen anybody from home. I want to go home so bad, but I'm trying not to let it show. I got to remain strong so it doesnt seem like Im depressed. I just really miss my lilttle brother and sister. I miss teasing them so much that it they would get mad at me. I miss sitting up with them and talking to the point where I have to tell them "Get the hell outta my room so I can go to sleep" or "damn dont you two ever sleep". I also miss my mom's cooking. Now i regret teasing her about her starving me because her food is alot better than the food at the dinner and I didnt have to pay for every meal. I miss picking with my grandma and having her cuss me out cause I would call her old, or say that she's getting senile. I especially miss my dad. I havent talked to him in a couple of day's because he hates talking on cell phones.

They keep on telling me that they're trying to get up here and see me, but its not the same as if I went home. If I could go home for just one hour, I would be a lot happier than if they came up here and spent the whole weekend with me. I dont know, its just how I feel. Its the little things that make being up here better than back home, but they dont add up to what makes being back home alot better than being here. Im just gonna go and show up unexpected and stay the whole weekend.

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