Sunday, October 12, 2008

Soul Calibur IV

Lately Ive been playing this great game called Soul Caibur IV. In it the characters are fighting for two swords, one that is super evil that eats souls and turns everyone who wields it into a monster, and one that is the exact polar opposite and appears to those with a pure heart. I really dont pay attention to the story, I just give out beat downs. Its only a few of us that play it and it can get really intense at some points. My character of choice is Siegfried, who's weapon is the holy sword Soul Calibur. His weapon is a huge sword that has a super long reach, making it easy to play the long range game. He's also powerful and takes huge chunks off of a character's life bar. I swear I did one combo that took down half of the other character's. My other character's are Nightmare, who uses the evil sword Soul Edge and is basically a monster, and Yun-seong.

Me and Alex play this all of the time. One time her and I stayed up till three in the morning playing until one of us would have a winning streak. The highest streak that both of us got was three at first until I used my fav character and won five games straight. That night I decided that I would switch up character's every three wins so I wont be called cheap. It doesn't matter to Alex though, cuz everytime I ask she doesnt care who I use. We'll play anytime and the funny thing is that we'll say stuff like "lets go do our thing" or "come on lets go have fun" and people will look like confused. After that I usually win with Seigfried, and will always play until she win's a game or until we're both tired.

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