Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friday Night

Friday night I went to this step show in Ritchie Coliseum. It was worth every penny that I paid plus more. I had never seen a step show before, so this was something totally new to me. It had to have taken alot of hard work because everything was on point. The steppers were in sync with each other, the steps matched the beats and music, and they even incorporated skits into the routine. It made me think about joining a frat because I was in the crowd with Blue Phi and it was like pure brotherhood, everyone was close. Even though some where on the other side of the staduim, the were still united because when one side shouted, the other responded.

Later that night I went to a friends house. I didnt really have that much fun and was ready to leave within 5 min of being there. Before I got there I was really pumped up, I felt like I could run a mile. After I got there I was like this sucks and I'm ready to leave. I think the only reason I stayed was because a girl that I knew was there. It got to the point though that I left when I was ready with the girl's sister because she was ready to leave also. I was kinda bummed cause I felt that I before all my friends, but I'm glad that I did because the girl's sister didnt know anyone from my school.

Overall Friday night wasnt a total waste

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