Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Creative Writing 2

In order to get this, you have to read the entire thing. Trust me, you will get a kick out of this because its not what you think it is.

So Im sitting in my room and Im feeling great. Im so in love with this girl that she has a place in my life. We communitcate with each other all the time. We always hold hands. We always enjoy each others company. We never fight. We're always walking to class together. She always brings variety to our relationship because she changes her style everyday. She's my boo and I'll proudly tell the whole world. I'll stand on top of the tallest mountain and shout at the top of my lungs, that I love this girl.

Some of my friends really like her. Some hate her. My parents have mixed feelings because my girl holds no punches. She says things that people would considere to be vulgar, but I dont care. Some say that she's been around the block a couple of times. I know she has because she told me. She's been in relationships with both guys and girls and with mostly all of my friends. That doesnt matter to me. Like Lil Wayne, I wouldnt care if she was a prostitute and hit every man that she knew because it was a long time before we got together.

MUSIC is the love of my life and its hard to keep her tied down to just one person. Again I would stand on the highest mountain and shout at the top of my lungs. She's always with me and she changes her style everyday. Yea, she's vulgar but I dont care because she treats me right.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Gotcha, you gotta admit this had you thinking for a little even after you read the warning. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Last Weeks Already

I can't believe that its the last weeks of the semester already. It seemed like yesterday that I was a quiet and lost freshman trying to atleast make it to his classes on time. Now Im semi-quiet and sometimes makes it to class on time. Its funny because lately Ive been making it on time to my Soc class and Im usually five min late. Its also seemed like yesterday when I had met my friends and got to know them. It sucks because we live so far apart and I probably wont hang with all of them over break, but thats what txting is for.

Also in these last two weeks everyone is tripping about finals. Me, personally have not started to study, and probably will not until two days before the day Im supposed to take it. Im not really that worried about it because its really no point in stressing over a test, when their are more important things that are stressworthy. This week is the last week of class, and I kinda have mixed feelings. Im glad that I wont have to get up and actually go to class at 8 or 9 in the morning. Im kind of sad that I probably wont see any of the people I have had class with again. Even though I didnt show it because I didnt talk that much or show that much emotion, I liked everyone in my class and considered everyone an associate and a potential cut up buddy, if I wasnt so shy.

Oh, well it isnt really any use crying over spoiled milk and its nothing that I can do but hold on tight because these last weeks are going to fly by.

Monday, December 8, 2008

This Sucks

What the heck. No one ever told me that the last couple of weeks of college were going to be so hard. I have work literally coming out of my butt. Papers are popping up out of left field. Everyone is up late studying. Its actually kind of stressing and if I didnt know how to handle pressure I would probably have cracked. Last week was pretty calm, I didnt have that much work due beyond the usual focus questions for Muet and essay for Journalism. I was pretty content and even had more time to play around with. My morning class is over and my UNIV class ended on my birthday, so I ended up doing work on those days and sleeping. Maybe that's why I had so much time, but it's the same this week with a lot more work.

This whole weekend Ive been stuck in front of my computer typing papers. Im not talking about one or two page essays that I could do in an hour. Im talking about full papers. My Muet paper had to be between 5 to 7 pages and my English paper had to be 8 to 10 pages long. That's really not a problem on their own. But crunch time for these fell on the same weekend. Typing these two papers and researching the topics has been a real pain in the butt. When I said earlier that I was at my computer the whole weekend, that is no joke. From Friday to last night I typed and researched. I did take Halo 3 breaks and did watch a couple of movies Sat. night, so I wasnt completely tied down. The bad part is that after this week is over, next week is a repeat because I have to study for exams. This has taught me though to be more prepared and to stop putting things off til the last min.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Saturday Night

Sat. night came and I decided to hang out with my boys. They were blowing up my phone when I was at my grandma's house, so I had to come up with an idea (no one wanted to step up and its pointless to ride around wasting gas). I got my cousins car and picked those fools up. I picked up Pj first because he is the closest one to my house and so we could plan on how to make this thing work out. Next I picked up James, who wanted to go somewhere but didnt want to step up and find someplace to go. All he was willing to put in was gas money, which I have no problem accepting. After that we went to my ex girlfriends house because she had wanted to see me. We talked for awhile, until I had to move the car so her grandma could get into the lane. Lastly we picked up my boy Joe and we were off.

We went to see Transporter 3, which was a pretty good movie because of the fight scenes. We cut up the entire movie and after it was over went to our local Walmart to play around for a little. We must have stayed in Walmart for about an hour, just playing with the toys and window shopping. Then the guys started getting hungry and started buggin about going to Wendy's, so we went there. After everyone had gotten their food, we headed back home. Now, these fools are dumb as a box of rocks. Im the driver, but they showing me funny pictures, while Im driving. All I can say is that its by God's grace that we made it home that night. We had stopped in a empty parking lot because no one felt like going home and just talked. Joe was trying to find something else to do, Pj kept on saying that this was the last time we were going to see each other like we were dying, and James was complaining like he did the entire night. We dropped Joe of and chilled there until his brother started doing things that because I have to leave the state and Pj gets random drug test, we couldnt participate in. On the way home, another driver wanted to start a conflict. They were yelling out the window, flicking us off, and they almost ran into the back of me. Needless to say I kept my cool until when we got to a 45 zone and they started playing around. It really pissed me off because I dont play around when it comes to driving, especially when Im not the only one in the car. I still kept my cool, but we did follow them for about 25 min, just waiting for them to stop.

Overall, it was a fun night, even our little "lurking session" was fun because everyone joked about everything. I cant wait to go back home and see what we can get into again.

Last Friday

Last Friday I didnt get to sleep in like I really wanted to because I had to go to a funeral. The man that had died was just like a grandfather to me and I wanted to be their to support my grandma. My dad thought that it was going to be packed, so we left the house at 11 and go there almost an hour before it started. When the funeral first started, there were plenty of seats, but that wasnt the case when family walked in. His family was so big that they took up there section and most of the seats in the church (the church was small, but still thats alot of people). My cousin and uncle had to even stand up because there wasnt anymore space. After the funeral, my grandma told us to come over her house.

Everyone had changed their clothes and we made our way over to my grandmas house. It was kind of chaotic. It was about 30 of us all packed into a house really only made for 3 people. I had seen family on my dad's side that I hadnt seen for a really long time. I found out that I have cousins exactly my age that I had never met and who are close to the area where I go to school. It was alot of fun. To me, that was the best part of break because everyone was cutting up, felt loose and instead of mourning, they were celebrating the fact that he had been taken from his suffering.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Day

I was so happy to finally get to eat real food and not that BS Diner food. Thanksgiving usually isnt anything special for me, just another holiday, but this year was something different. Probably because it had been a while since I had a home cooked meal, but also because it was the first holiday that I can truly say that I came home and visited.

It started like any other day. My little sister woke me up and I laid her out because I was having a great dream. By the time I had gotten up and gotten dressed, it was about and it was awhile until dinner was done so, I played Playstation with my little brother. I dominated of course, even though I hadnt played for awhile, and then took a nap. When I had gotten up the food was done and I began to eat like a demon. I had a combo of turkey, ham, potato salad, chicken, and three roles. I was so full that I thought that I was going to pop.

Then my older cousin had called me up and asked was I coming to her house. It was her first time cooking a big dinner like this and she was really excited. I got there about two hours after I had eaten and showed off with her and her sister. It had been awhile since I had seen her sister and everytime she comes home we always act crazy. We poked fun at everything from our grandma to certain movies. After that it was time to eat again, and Im sad to say that I had two slices of sweet potato pie and cheesecake. Ima really have to hit the gym because I know that I gained 15 pounds over the course of five days.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Journay Home

Last Tues. was my last day of class before break, so I decided to leave that day. The whole trip was complicated from jump street and I guess I shoulda planned it a lot better than I did, but I made it safe and sound. I guess you could say that its not really an adventure because Ive heard and experienced some unique stories.

It started earlier that day. I had taken my exam for Math 003 and was wrapping up the class. I get back to my room and start packing for everything and wait for my next class. Turns out its canceled, just as my and this guy from my floor start to walk there. I still have to wait until later that night because my big cuzo had to leave class and pick me up. It was confusing because he got out at 9 and said that it took 15 min for him to get from school to the metro. I didnt want him to wait and I sure as heck didnt want to wait in an area that I didnt know. Anyway I hop on the metro at 8:30 thinking that we would have got there at the same time, but we didnt. His teacher kept him past 9, so he didnt end up getting there until almost 9, leaving me there for an half an hour. Even then I didnt couldnt get back to VA until the next day, so I ended up crashing there. We had to get up at 6 the next morning, so I could meet the lady I was riding with at St. Charles Mall at 7. We overslept and I ended up not even taking a shower that morning, since I was headed home anyway. To wrap things up, I made it home safe and sound and in one piece.