Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Last Friday

Last Friday I didnt get to sleep in like I really wanted to because I had to go to a funeral. The man that had died was just like a grandfather to me and I wanted to be their to support my grandma. My dad thought that it was going to be packed, so we left the house at 11 and go there almost an hour before it started. When the funeral first started, there were plenty of seats, but that wasnt the case when family walked in. His family was so big that they took up there section and most of the seats in the church (the church was small, but still thats alot of people). My cousin and uncle had to even stand up because there wasnt anymore space. After the funeral, my grandma told us to come over her house.

Everyone had changed their clothes and we made our way over to my grandmas house. It was kind of chaotic. It was about 30 of us all packed into a house really only made for 3 people. I had seen family on my dad's side that I hadnt seen for a really long time. I found out that I have cousins exactly my age that I had never met and who are close to the area where I go to school. It was alot of fun. To me, that was the best part of break because everyone was cutting up, felt loose and instead of mourning, they were celebrating the fact that he had been taken from his suffering.

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