Monday, December 8, 2008

This Sucks

What the heck. No one ever told me that the last couple of weeks of college were going to be so hard. I have work literally coming out of my butt. Papers are popping up out of left field. Everyone is up late studying. Its actually kind of stressing and if I didnt know how to handle pressure I would probably have cracked. Last week was pretty calm, I didnt have that much work due beyond the usual focus questions for Muet and essay for Journalism. I was pretty content and even had more time to play around with. My morning class is over and my UNIV class ended on my birthday, so I ended up doing work on those days and sleeping. Maybe that's why I had so much time, but it's the same this week with a lot more work.

This whole weekend Ive been stuck in front of my computer typing papers. Im not talking about one or two page essays that I could do in an hour. Im talking about full papers. My Muet paper had to be between 5 to 7 pages and my English paper had to be 8 to 10 pages long. That's really not a problem on their own. But crunch time for these fell on the same weekend. Typing these two papers and researching the topics has been a real pain in the butt. When I said earlier that I was at my computer the whole weekend, that is no joke. From Friday to last night I typed and researched. I did take Halo 3 breaks and did watch a couple of movies Sat. night, so I wasnt completely tied down. The bad part is that after this week is over, next week is a repeat because I have to study for exams. This has taught me though to be more prepared and to stop putting things off til the last min.

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